When you think about competition, a lot of companies these days often compete based on the products or services they offer. They often present their brand as the best or the number one (which is normal and natural). But the reality is, not everyone can be the number one nor be the next Facebook or Grab or Tesla that has disrupted how people live today. If you’re this kind of company that competes for brand value and positioning, you may want to change your strategy on how you compete and how you present your brand.
Earlier, customers usually relied on the recommendations of the most credible person known to them, be it their family or friends. But today, with the rise of digital technology, customers can now get convinced by influencers and trust online reviews. Because of this, perhaps it’s high time to reconsider your approach. Apart from offering the ‘best’ product, what else can you offer when a lot of people are looking for an end-to-end experience to meet their needs?
Just as customer experience is based on the totality of brand engagements, your company’s ability to effectively deliver on customer expectations is increasingly dependent on the following:
1. Creating Value
We’ve heard of it before, what’s in it for me? A customer will always ask. With so many competitors, how can you stand out from the rest?
When your business and customer-related data and processes are streamlined, you’ll find that meeting your customers’ expectations with timeliness and added value is easier than ever before.
2. Customer Experience
How do you engage with your customers? With the rising of the digital age, people are becoming vocal online about their experience of the products or services they availed which can go viral and reach millions of people around the world.
3. Consistency
People nowadays are not just looking at what’s in front of them, but they are also looking for the intangible. Do all your products have the same caliber? If I go to other branches of your business, will I receive the same positive experience?
If you agree with these three things, you’re on the right track. But if you have started to question your process and service delivery, you definitely need help. To help you achieve these, Kiu is on the rescue! Kiu is a cloud-based business management platform built to simplify complex business processes from operations, financial management, CRM that brings everything together providing insights to making intelligent decisions to sales representatives, management, and customers in real-time.
Business management platform (or ERP to a lot of people), is a central enabler that glues everything together. In order to provide engaging, brand-building experiences that meet customers’ expectations and evolving needs, companies need to leverage more than customer-facing apps. It’s all about what’s inside your business to manage data and drive insights —connecting operations from the front office to the back office.
On creating value
By consolidating all customer records and activities in a single database, Kiu BMP provides the insights you need to understand your customers, track success metrics and uncover new opportunities. More importantly, customer data can be accessed exactly when it’s needed by multiple users concurrently. Whether in sales, accounting and customer or even by customers. Not only does this help ensure you’re responsive to your customers’ concerns, but it also enables your team to be more proactive with both sales and service.
On customer experience
Because knowledge is power, and customers have more knowledge than ever, it is important that you know what your customers know. Otherwise, you should be more knowledgeable than your customers. Kiu BMP gives you more power with integrated financial management sales and CRM, purchases and inventory, and everything you need to be able to assess your business performance from identifying pre and post-sales processes or workflows that need improvements. Billing or payment processes, inventory, tracking vendors and point-of-service interactions are made available to you. Now you can see if certain process steps are causing a bottleneck, delaying service times or keeping critical information from being available to customers when they need it most. And the mobility of our cloud software enables your employees to access the same up-to-date customer information as to their counterparts in any office—and on any connected device securely.
On consistency
Delivering a winning customer experience means understanding that each customer journey needs to be seamless. With smooth coordination of many moving parts, Kiu BMP enables you to automate core business processes and centralize data that is accessible to everyone across departments and offices.
Kiu BMP effectively integrates work and share information seamlessly among individuals, teams, and systems to improve knowledge within an organization to know what works in day-to-day business operations.
When your business and customer-related data and processes are streamlined, you’ll find that meeting your customers’ expectations with the timeliness and added value is easier than ever before.